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UFO Sighting in Texas

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UFO Sighting in Texas  

Más de: ZzTheTruthzZ

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idroponline (hace 7 horas) Mostrar Ocultar
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it could just be the video quality but at 38 seconds it passes in front of the first tree limb then behind the second limb at 40 seconds....

If it was real and as big as they make it look when it goes overhead then it wouldn't look so strange at the trees
vault41 (hace 17 horas) Mostrar Ocultar
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it does look fake
LifeWilensky (hace 22 horas) Mostrar Ocultar
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I think my son has one of those remote controlled flying saucers in his toys... hold on let me go check... Yup he does. Ok no really he doesnt, but this is deffinately a fake, there is no doubt it my mind, cause I have seen remote toys that do resemble what we see here. Sorry poster of video but what you got here is fake and its too fake to try and pass off as real.
markandrach (hace 1 día) Mostrar Ocultar
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Obviously fake,but no more fake than all the other FAKE ufo videos on this site.I did see a real ufo in a documentary called E.T. A few years ago but u should all check it out!
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its fake but nice fly sound :P
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come on now... if you wanna fake it you can do better.
rubyred710 (hace 1 día) Mostrar Ocultar
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so fake my brother says it looks like a frisbee.
pelster92 (hace 1 día) Mostrar Ocultar
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sorry but it is
lilmexicano24 (hace 2 días) Mostrar Ocultar
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if it was real it wouldn't just be on Youtube.
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q ond????????a

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